We Provide Earmolds

Your ears are unique, with a complex inner shape. If you’ve ever resorted to those one-size-fits-no-one-really foam earplugs, you know how uncomfortable they can be. Their effectiveness is severely limited because they’re not made to fit your specific ear canal. Only custom-made hearing protection gives you the perfect, comfortable fit and reliable effectiveness.

Do you use an iPod? You’d be surprised how well new custom-fit ear buds help you connect with the music without stressing your sense of hearing— or harming your ears physically. The buds are created and fit by a hearing aid provider or audiologist. These specialized buds reduce external noise and don’t fall out when you’re exercising or running for the bus.

Are you a music lover? High quality custom-made earplugs are almost invisible when worn and they’re so comfortable you may not feel them either. With custom earplugs, you’ll increase your enjoyment of live concert performances without enduring a headache or ringing ears afterwards. Preserve your precious sense of hearing for the future.

Musicians, you’re understandably concerned about earplugs interfering with your perception of those essential high notes. Custom musician plugs are made from materials specially designed to allow you to hear the entire range of the sound spectrum, lowering the volume to a safer level without distorting sound.

How molds are made

Custom-fit hearing aids, ear protection and communication earpieces are made from a mold of your ear canal. Silicon is placed into the ear canals using a syringe to create the mold, which is refined to fit the individual and the ear bud if applicable. Specially designed swimming molds and hunter’s molds are also an option.

Could you use a set of musician plugs? These hearing devices can help anyone suffering from hyper-sensitive hearing (hyperacusis) or living in a noise-filled environment. What’s more, the earplugs don’t inhibit the ability to hear others’ voices. Ask about a customized hearing solution made here at East End Hearing.

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