How Cell Phones Are Revolutionizing The Hearing Aid Industry

No longer is it sufficient to just use a hearing aid. You can now take advantage of the latest technology in conjunction with your hearing aid. Offering state of the art technology to accommodate the hearing impaired population, cell phones and smart phones now have special components that result in greater clarity of sound. If you never thought cell phones and hearing aids would go together, think again. In fact, both cell and smart phones are taking the hearing impaired community by storm, boosting the use of modern day hearing aids. For those with different degrees of hearing loss, sometimes a hearing aid just doesn’t do the trick. Cell phones and smart phones are now here to pick up the slack. Hearing aid devices have traditionally been the most popular way to help hearing impaired individuals hear more clearly in everyday life. Now to boost that capability, cell phones and smart phones can help with this even more so that people with hearing loss can tackle their day with increased confidence.

Smart Phones- Leading The Way

The earliest forms of the cell phones were not the technological strong holds that they are today. Nonetheless, they were still crucials on the long road of helping people with hearing loss use their phones with greater accessibility and confidence than ever before. For example, early cell phones integrated telecoils into their design so that people with hearing aids could use the phones without worrying about the interference or static that plagued early cell phone services.
Thanks in big part to static and noise cancelling technology that come equipped in the latest models people who use hearing aids can further take advantage of smart phone usage. The great thing about this is that there is virtually no feedback or static present when using a hearing aid together with a cell phone. This establishes the hearing aid capacity rating, or HAC, which acts as an objective rating for the cell phone’s ability to interact with a hearing aid; a rating that still exists in the modern era. Smart and cell phones can also alert users via a phone call or text with blinking LED lights to get the user’s immediate attention. Or, they can send vibrations when a message or phone call or text is received so the user can count on their device to notify them of any emergencies or conversations.

Cell Phone Technological Advancements

To make conversation clear, many modern cell phones come with a telecoil, which that is responsible for changing magnetic signals from the phone into sound signals that can be interpreted by the user. This occurs when the telecoil and the cell phone are used in conjunction. Most cell phones today must live up to a T3 or T4 standard, meaning they have met and surpassed the overall power and efficiency that they are required to have in order to function. You, thus, get a greater range of accessibility for your cell phone.
As you can see, phones and hearing aids allow for a clearer experience on a daily basis for hearing impaired individuals.

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