Buyer’s Guide to Bluetooth Technology in Modern Hearing Aids

If you’ve bought a new hearing aid in the last few years, there is a chance that it has Bluetooth capability. Although Bluetooth might be most familiar to you as the technology that enables hands-free calling on your cell phone, it has become a capability on many consumer products over the past few years, including televisions, home phones, computers and mp3 players. When your hearing aid is equipped with Bluetooth, you can interact with these devices in novel and practical ways, allowing you to enjoy better hearing.

If your hearing aid comes with Bluetooth technology, its likely that it arrived with a small external device that allows you to access its functions. Generally these devices–often called controllers–are designed to be placed in a pocket or worn around the user’s neck. The controller is used to wirelessly receive sounds from Bluetooth enabled devices and transmit them to your hearing aid. This means no more having to turn up the volume on your television, cellphone or other Bluetooth-compatible devices, because you can have the sound signals sent directly to your hearing aids. You’ll be able to hear your phone conversations in both ears rather than just one, further improving your ability to hear.

Controllers for Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids are made to be simple to use. Most controllers detect Bluetooth signals at the push of a button. For example, if you want to listen to your telephone through your hearing aid, simply push the phone button to access it. Many manufacturers incorporate other functions in these controllers, letting you access many other benefits through this one device.

Hearing aids with a Bluetooth feature can help keep older people with mobility challenges comfortable and safe. Some of the newer models allow the wearer to place telephone calls up to 30 feet away from the phone, providing easy communication without needing to move to the phone. This ease of access may be lifesaving in case of an emergency.

Deciding to purchase a hearing aid with Bluetooth capabilities allows you to enjoy a crisp, clear listening experience which is difficult to achieve through any other means. This straightforward technology can drastically improve your hearing, allowing you to appreciate encounters that may have once been out of reach.

Hearing Aid Accessories 101

Many hearing aid buyers are curious about add-ons and options, so in this article we provide some of our suggestions. Certain accessories work only with a particular hearing aid model, but these broad recommendations are applicable to nearly every hearing aid user.

First of all, stock up on batteries. These aren’t exactly an accessory, but take any opportunity you can to buy them in bulk or at a discount since you will need them. Expect that disposable batteries will need to be replaced every 5 to 14 days.

A dehumidifier is optional, but a very good idea. The electronics in hearing aids are very susceptible to damage from moisture. To use it, you remove your hearing aids at night before you go to sleep and leave them in the dehumidifier overnight, while you’re not wearing them. Cleaning kits are also a sensible investment, as are ear wax filters to keep ear wax away from the unit, because the cleaner you keep your aids, the longer they’ll provide you with trouble-free service.

There are various Bluetooth extensions for specific hearing aids that will extend their capabilities. Many digital hearing aids support the Bluetooth wireless connection standard, which means that they can be configured to stream sound directly from many mobile phones, audio players such as iPods, and televisions. Having a Bluetooth connection to these devices means that you don’t have to sit near them or turn the sound up to enjoy them.

Another way of doing this if you have an analog hearing aid is to use an FM system, which is basically a remote microphone/transmitter that you can place near the TV or stereo and a remote receiver/amplifier that you place closer to your hearing aid. These low-cost FM systems can be an advantage in noisy environments or those shared with other people; you can hear conversations spoken in a normal tone of voice near you while also hearing music or the TV played from much further away.

There are constantly new hearing aid accessories being introduced. If you have questions about these or any others, just ask. Smart selection of accessories goes a long way toward maintaining and enjoying your aid.

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