Earwax Removal – How you’re doing it wrong

Many people do it without even thinking: taking a cotton swab or paper implement and cleaning their ears to see if they can get the itching feeling to go away for a while. Some people develop too much earwax that does not flake out as they would like, and others just feel compelled to have clean ears. Yet, this results in many people taking the wrong measures to have clean ears. This article will look at three ways that people incorrectly clean their ears as well as the only proper way to have them cleaned.

Go To A Professional Audiologist

The best and only way that you should have your ears cleared of wax is by using a trained professional. They will be able to figure out the reason that you want to clean your ears, whether it is just a habit or if your body is producing too much ear wax. Then they can use their tools and technology to clean your ears without doing any damage to your eardrums. They can also establish a routine that will keep your ears clean between visits.

Ear Candles

Perhaps the very worst way to go about cleaning your ears is using an ear candle. This implement resembles a hollow candle that is supposed to heat up using a wick, and then form a suction action in your ear. This will make the earwax drain out with very little effort. Aside from the fact that the suction required has never been observed in studies, there is an inherent danger involving one’s hair and fire. Avoid this method at all costs.

By Using Cotton Swabs

Many people have used this method to clean their ears. People either use peroxide or water to wet the end of the swab and then swishing it through their ear in an attempt to clean out the wax. While this may look effective by the amount of wax that you can see on the swab, the simple fact is that most people do not know when to stop pushing into their eardrum. This can further compact the earwax or even perforate the eardrum, causing permanent damage.

Using Ear Drops

Another method of cleaning your ears of ear wax that is somewhat effective is using ear drops. These drops are placed into the ear and then sit until you turn your head over and allow the loosened wax to flow out. While this has a limited function, most of the time you will be disappointed with the results and the sensation that it leaves inside of your ear. This prompts many people to start using a cotton swab, which can take you back to the beginning of the process.

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